Salehi, S., Cotner, S., Azarin, S. M., Carlson, E. E., Driessen, M., Ferry, V. E., Harcombe, W., McGaugh, S., Wassenberg, D., Yonas, A., & Ballen, C. J. Gender performance gaps across different assessment methods and the underlying mechanisms: the case of incoming preparation and test anxiety. Frontiers in Education 4(107). PDF

Ballen, C.J., Aguillon, S.M., Awwad, A., Bjune, A.E., Challou, D., Drake, A.G., Driessen, M., Ellozy, A., Ferry, V.A., Goldberg, E.E., Harcombe, W., Jensen, S., Jørgensen, C., Koth, Z., McGaugh, S.E., Mitry, C.,  Mosher, B., Mostafa, H., Petipas, R.H., Soneral, P.A.G., Watters, S., Wassenberg, D., Weiss, S., Yonas, A., Zamudio, K.R., & Cotner, S. Smaller classes promote equitable student participation in STEM. Bioscience 69(8), 669-680. PDF

Neill, C., Cotner, S., Driessen, M., & Ballen, C.J. Structured learning environments are required to promote equitable participation. Chemistry Education Research and Practice 20(1), 197-203. PDF

Ballen, C.J. & Holmegaard, H.T. With big data comes big responsibilities for science equity research. Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education 20(1): 1-4. PDF

Henning, J.A., Ballen, C.J., Molina, S., & Cotner, S. Hidden identities shape student perceptions of active learning environments. Frontiers in Education. 4(129). PDF.