Salehi, S., Berk, S.A., Brunelli, R., Cotner, S., Creech, C., Drake, A.G., Fagbodun, S., Hall, C., Hebert, S., James, A.C., Shuster, M., St. Juliana, J.R., Stovall, D.B., Whittington, R., Zhong, M., & Ballen, C.J. Context matters: social psychological factors that underlie academic performance across seven institutions. CBE-Life Sciences Education: 20(4), ar68. PDF
Year: 2021
Salehi, S., Ballen, C. J., Trujillo, G., & Wieman, C. Inclusive instructional practices: course design, implementation, and discourse. Frontiers in Education 6: 135. PDF
Beatty, A.E., Driessen, E.P., Gusler, T., Ewell, S., Grilliot, A., & Ballen, C. J. Teaching the tough topics: Fostering ideological awareness through the inclusion of societally impactful topics in introductory biology. CBE—Life Sciences Education: ar67. PDF
Odom, S., Bosso, H., Bowling, S., Brownell, S., Cotner, S., Creech, C., Drake, A. G., Eddy, S., Fagbodun, S., Hebert, S., James, A. C., Just, J., Juliana, J. R., Shuster, M., Thompson, S. K., Whittington, R., Wills, B. D., Wilson, A. E., Zamudio, K. R., Zhong, M., & Ballen, C. J. Meta-analysis of gender performance gaps in undergraduate natural science courses. CBE-Life Sciences Education 20:ar40. PDF
Ballen, C. J. & Salehi, S. Mediation analysis in discipline-based education research using structural equation modeling: beyond “what works” to understand how it works, and for whom. Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education 22(2): e00108-21. PDF
Lombardi, D., Shipley, T. F., Astronomy Team (Bailey, J. M, Bretones, P. S., Prather, E. E.), Biology Team (Ballen, C. J., Knight, J. K., Smith, M. K.), Chemistry Team (Stowe, R. L., Cooper, M. M.), Engineering Team (Prince, M.), Geography Team (Atit, K., Uttal, D. H.), Geoscience Team (LaDue, N. D., McNeal, P. M., Ryker, K., St. John, K., van der Hoeven Kraft, K. J.), & Physics Team (Docktor, J. L.). The curious construct of active learning. Psychological Science in the Public Interest 22.1: 8-43.
Beatty, A. E., Ballen, C. J., Driessen, E. P., Schwartz, T. S., & Graze, R. M. Addressing the unique qualities of upper-level biology CUREs through the integration of skill-building. Integrative and Comparative Biology, icab006. PDF
Simpson, D.Y., Beatty, A.E., & Ballen, C.J. Teaching between the lines: Representation in science textbooks. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 36(1), 4-8.